Thursday, March 5, 2015

Christmas in Lhasa, 2014

Celebrating Christmas is a quiet affair in Tibet. This year stores and large hotels decorated with Christmas trees and Santa Claus posters, but generally Hallmark hasn't taken hold.
Chris and I told the history and meaning to the English students together, then I decorated cookies, made trees and acted out the story in my classes. Some of the staff wished us "Sheng dan kuaile!" A cookie-making party with English teachers was a big hit with promises to get together in the spring. I made a nativity scene of decorated sugar cookies with the foster kids and they made and coloured Christmas trees. I wonder if the cookies made it to Christmas Day......  Our team got together to sing before some left for the states then the remaining 4 had a quiet celebration, lighting the last candle on a make-shift Advent Wreath. Very special!      Finals were being held that week, so much of time was spent grading and reporting marks. I also invited a neighbouring couple with their cute 2 yr. old for pizza before they left for Beijing.
New Years I held a "Countdown" party with friends and teachers. We played a few games with Christmas decorations before settling in for a serious card game of "golf".
This local tea house bought new covers for their benches... do you think they did it for Christmas?  :0)
Christmas Entertainment....
We have a talented group of musicians.
Our advent wreath

Too much fun!
While making cookies for our class, some students asked me about our Advent Wreath.
Class 13-1 enjoyed the eating!
                                     I wonder how long the nativity cookies lasted?
Biema's selfie with lots of English words! Yeh!
Yes, ice on the window at 8:30 a.m., but not as cold as other days!

Neighbours with GuoGua, their son

A rather competitive game of building the tallest tower with Christmas cards!


                                                                 Happy New Year!

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