Here is a collection of the many colours of the mountains surrounding Lhasa. Aren't you glad I narrowed it down from over a hundred (and still counting)? Don't forget that we are above the tree line, so there's little greenery. The shale soil is grey but takes on various shades as the sun moves.
The ice flows look like a gigantic grader has been working.
The next valley over from Lhasa, where the airport is located.
The new highway from airport to Lhasa - the tunnel took an hour off the commute.
My favourite mountain photo - a zoom shot of the Potala Palace from my window.
The view from my office window. Good thing I only have office hours 2xs per week, or I wouldn't get any work done!
View from south of Lhasa, overlooking the Lhasa river
View of my teaching building (the big one inbehind) which doesn't get the sunshine until 10:30. Good thing I don't start teaching until 9:30. The field in forground is their soccer field, the building at left holds music rooms filled with pianos, accordians, and drums. There is also a large gym where I've tried to play badminton.
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